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Specialty Packages (Best Value)

Grilling Package - 40 pounds - $290

Includes cutting, wrapping and freezing.
8 lbs. Rib Eyes/T-Bone Steaks
6 lbs. Sirloins
10 lbs. Roast/Stew Cut
16 lbs. Ground

Grilling Package - 20 pounds - $175

Includes cutting, wrapping and freezing.
4 lbs. Rib Eyes/T-Bone Steaks
3 lbs. Sirloins
5 lbs. Roast/Stew Cut
8 lbs. Ground

Family Package - 40 pounds - $250

Includes cutting, wrapping and freezing.
A selection of Roasts, Stews, Flank, Fajitas and 15 lbs. of ground.

Family Package - 20 pounds - $145

Includes cutting, wrapping and freezing.
A selection of Roasts, Stews, Flank, Fajitas and 7.5 lbs. of ground.

All weights are approximate.
40 pound package takes up most of your refrigerator freezer.
20 pounds fit easily in the refrigerator freezer.

Bulk Orders

One whole processed steer will fit in a chest freezer.
Four people will eat about one steer a year.
You customize your cuts and hanging time (dry aging - 7 to 14 days is recommended, longer drying time costs a little more)
SIZE Hanging Carcass Price/lb
Whole 320-700 lbs. $3.85
1/2 (Side) 170 - 320 lbs. $4.35
1/4 (Fore) 85 - 160 lbs. $4.60
1/4 (Hind) 85 - 160 lbs. $4.85
NOTE: Carcass weights are appoximately 65% - 75% of final yield due to trim and bones.

Wholesale Priced by the Cut

Minimum order 10 pounds. We have limited freezer space available for year round meat sales by the cut.
Call or email for availability.
CUT Package/Lb. Price/lb
Steaks: Rib eye $18.00
T-Bone $18.00

Cutlets: Flank $7.25
Fajita $7.25
Cutlets $7.25
Sirloin $7.25

Roast: Arm $6.75
Chuck $6.75
Round $6.75
Brisket $6.75

Ground: Lean 90%/95% 1lb. $6.50
Stew/Chili $6.50

Other: Ribs $6.00
Soup Bones $6.00
Liver $6.00
Heart $6.00
Dog Bones 5lbs. $15.00 package (does not count toward min.)

Note: Cutlets are mechanically tenderized.

Grass Fed Cooking Tips:

  1. Thaw meat slowly in refrigerator in its original vacuum-sealed package. If micro-waved unwrap the plastic packaging and cover with a paper towel.
  2. Brush a little olive oil on the meat to prevent sticking and hold in moisture.
  3. Because of the low fat content of grass fed meat it will cook about 30% faster. Best at medium. Marinating tends to add moisture and intensify flavors.
  4. If grilling, sear over high heat for a minute to develop a dark brown, flavorful crust which locks in the juices.
  5. Rely on a combination of touch, sight, and a meat thermometer to test doneness. The meat will continue to cook after it is removed from the heat. Loosely cover and let rest for about five minutes.

home product health and environment grass-fed, sustainable contact us